
An early screenshot from Bus Game, depicting an early character model crying in front of a sign reading 'Bus or Die'


Hi, I'm Rob.

A few years back, while looking over some old Python projects from high school, I was reminded of how cool it felt to have an idea and bring it to life in some form. Those older projects weren't impressive by any means - mostly being text-based or basic 2D games built using Pygame - but they inspired me to try out a more ambitious development project. And so I started work on bringing a dumb project idea I had to life: I wanted to remake and improve on Desert Bus, a game where you drive a bus through an empty desert road for about 8 hours.

Now, as great of a concept as Desert Bus is, I felt that the idea could work better as a foundation for something bigger. Inspired by elements of other games I love, the project ended up evolving into Bus Game, which is in active development and will soon leave its prototyping stage. Much of the Desert Bus inspiration still remains, but a lot more now lies beneath the surface of this project. In addition to Bus Game, I sometimes also work on other programming projects, like full stack web apps, Discord bots, and more. Maybe some of that will see the light of day eventually.

Feel free to stick around for this journey into the realm of game development, where we do our best to consistently make the best gaming experiences we can.

- Rob, a.k.a. MegaKerfuffle

The Development Log

Check out the MKG Development Log for the latest updates on our projects, breakdowns of game development technical hurdles, and more.

Bus Game

An early screenshot from Bus Game, depicting a foggy nighttime forest scene with a clearing. In the clearing stands a garage, with a bus inside.

STATUS: prototype in development

Our flagship project, featuring high-fidelity graphics, multiplayer networking, and cutting-edge game technologies. Bus Game aims to be a platform for a variety of experimental game modes - we call them Epochs - that are all intended to explore and innovate on different types of gameplay.

For the foreseeable future, Bus Game will only be available on PC (Windows, Mac, and Linux).

Key Features

  • Singleplayer and Multiplayer, up to 16 players per lobby
  • Epochs, modular game modes that can be added or removed from the game as the player sees fit
  • Virtual Reality support, via Steam VR
  • Modular Vehicle Part System, allowing players to customize their buses
  • Scavenger, the item crafting and loot system developed by MKG
  • Survival mechanics*, including health, basic needs, and medical
  • Radio System, for story dialogue, music, and in-game voice chat**
  • Bus Game SDK, to create your own Epoch, Level, items, characters, and more
  • Three Epochs at launch***:
    1. Roadtrip - an homage to Desert Bus VR!
    2. Bustle Royale - the bus-based battle royale no one asked for!
    3. Story - an exploration of the human condition.

Public alpha expected sometime in 2024


We're always happy to hear from other gamers and developers! Check us out on any of our linked socials, or consider joining our Discord server where you can hang out, check out previews of what we're working on, or get help with your own game development projects.

Other inquiries may be sent to [email protected] - we'll get back to you as soon as we can!